A little bit longer blog break than I intended. Whoopsie.
The kiddos headed back to school last Thursday and while this is great for my work schedule, it's taking a bit of navigating and readjusting to come up with the best way to fit in work, excercise and family life. It's always a work in progress, isn't it?
Here are the rugrats on the first day. We've got an 8th grader, 6th grader and 1st grader.

The two oldest are in Middle School together this year and I can't believe that I will have a high schooler next fall. And that he will take driver's education next summer. EEK. Okay, disbelief over. Ha! Also, he did not want to smile for me. I guess we're at that age now. The one where it's no longer "cool" to smile for your mom and her camera. Oh well....
And he's playing football this fall. First year since he was much, much younger. Practice has been long every night and they have a scrimmage this Saturday. I think he's excited to be participating in a school sport. It's really fun to see him change into a young man and not a child. There are always challenges that come with this age but he is such a good kid. I don't tell him that enough. (*Note to self: Tell Brenden how awesome he is daily.) With the exception of not always remembering that teachers want him to show and turn in his daily work, not just ace the tests, he is a great student. He doesn't always think the daily work is worth his time. Frustrating for the perfectionistic mother who would never have fathomed not turning in my daily work. And certainly never thought it was ok to turn it in late or when *I* got around to it. Ha!
Payton is "mini-me". She turns her work in on time, keeps track of her assignments, freaks out if she is late and is super organized. It's almost comical how much she's like me at this age (except she is way more outgoing and athletic than I ever was!) and how much Brenden is like his dad. So funny! Payton is gearing up for fall Volleyball and fall swim team. She isn't all that excited about the uniforms that are required for Middle School. She likes "sparkles" as she calls them. This one is my "bling" girl all the way! She does wear neon socks every day and she found this nail style online and had me try it so she could have "special" nails the first day of school.

Ethan loves his first grade class. He has a substitute teacher (a family friend) for the first few weeks of school because his teacher has a new baby boy! She comes in to visit the class though and I really really like her. He is going to have an awesome first grade year. It's taking an adjustment for him to get back into school mode. He fell asleep at 6:15 p.m. that first day back and wouldn't wake up for supper and slept all the way through until the next morning. Poor little guy! He's attending a fall football camp and from there we will see about flag football. He wants to attend the camp to see if he likes it first. I think watching big brother play will help dictate what he wants to try as well! ;)
My current schedule or goals for my schedule (so far this hasn't quite worked out how I envisioned but I'm working towards it anyway....) is to excercise early right after kids go off to school, get dressed and ready for the day and keep work to 4 hours only. This is different than in the past as it's a lot less hours. I've found over the last year to year and a half that I am happier when I can accomodate more than just paper crafting into my day. I love to read. I love to sew. I am dedicated to cooking healthier home cooked meals for my family and to getting myself in shape. I may have to adjust this depending on how things work out but I'll give it a few weeks to see how I settle in. I will be back to blogging regularly now that I have uninterupted "work" time. ;) More new projects as well.
I've been getting a ton of questions regarding Project Life and whether I intend to update or post any new pages.
The answer is: YES. Eventually.
I actually have 4 weeks/posts started from last spring that I have never finished and then that's it. I am that far behind. :( But I do plan on catching up after I finish up a big project that is due the 1st of September. So stay tuned for Project Life layouts. :)
What else is going on here?
Well, this morning I painted my nails. I currently have the worst hangnails ever. EVER. I chose not to show you those. I painted my nails in hope that I it reminds me to not pick at said hangnails. Plus, I broke my index finger nail on this hand. That's why it's so short. Boo.

Nail polishes used:
- Mesmerize by Essie
- I Found a Pot of Gold by Sephora for OPI
- Dry Fast Top Coat by Seche Vite
- Crystal Clear Base Coat by Seche

I am wearing these boots today.

You might think I chose these because I am ready for fall and boots are my go-to footwear for all fall attire.
And that would be partly true.
The real other reason might be that by wearing shoes/boots that cover my feet and require socks it prohibits me from picking at the cracked heel on my right foot. Maybe. I'm not admitting to anything.
I tend to pick at things. Sometimes. Hangnails and cracked heels being 2 of the biggest culprits. ;) Me = dumb. Because I am always, always sorry I did it when I make them sore. Duh.
My dining room currently looks like this:

Awful, right? And that's just the dust I can see on my coffee table. Lovely.
I cleaned out closets. Mostly mine but the kids too.
I am down (whoohoo!) enough weight now that nothing fits. I bought a few things on summer clearance to get me through the remaining warm weather but wow. Just wow. I need to ebay this stuff but that would take motivation + time and so far I have neither. Soon. Because I am thinking that this room is where the Christmas tree goes and if this stuff is still there in December my family might disown me. ;)
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How about some shopping links?
There is some really, really great stuff in stock at 2Peas right now. I had fun filling up my shopping bucket with scrappy goodness!
For any of you with kids playing sports, check out this great new line from Fancy Pants:

Football. Soccer. Baseball.
The colors are nice and masculine. I love that. As the mom of 2 boys, I love when I see a line that features mainly masculine prints and patterns.
And new Simple Stories....
This brand is reeling me in bit by bit. The newest collections = fab!
How about some Handmade Holiday?

Red + Green + Cream + Kraft = my favorite holiday combination ever.
I adore THIS paper (both sides). The paper inspired from a sewing technique and then the red plaid. Lovely.

THIS paper is a great basic. Kraft and text. What could be better?!!!

December Daily anyone? Check THIS out!

Or how about all the basics for this collection in one kit! Love THIS.

Love the colors in the new Harvest Lane collection:

My favorite design again in yummy fall colors HERE.

I am addicted to realistic woodgrain paper. THIS is my new fav:

Heck the whole basics collection is a must-have for me! Love, love, LOVE THIS.

Last, but not least, check out the

Again, Simple Stories knocked it out of the park with their Simple Basics collection. Love THIS so, so much!

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TRUE SCRAP 4 !?!!!
True Scrap 4, the coolest online virtual paper crafting event in the galaxy, is coming in October! The fun and shenanigans have already begun, and you won’t want to miss a thing. That’s why I suggest you get on the Early Bird Notification list. Just head over HERE and enter your email address. Easy-peasy… AND as soon as you join the list the fun will begin with a special discount just for you!
Sign up now so you won’t miss out!
I am teaching an all-new class and I can't wait to tell you all about it and share some sneak peeks in the next few days!
Plus, I will be offering a free all-new class with TS4 purhase (through the affiliate links here on my blog...sign up HERE to be added to the newsletter so that you will get credit through me and can take advantage of the FREE class) again just like in previous True Scrap events. I will have sneaks, info and more on the "free class with purchase" coming soon as well. :)
Lots of exciting stuff happening this fall. Be sure to stop by often for all the latest!
And stop by tomorrow for a blog hop dedicated to those little stampers in our life! ;)